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Sinusitis and the Lack of Energy

Sinus Infection Fatigue

Research as far back as the year 2000 points to a connection between sinusitis and a lack of energy or continual fatigue. In 2003, another study confirmed a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic sinusitis. Can sinus infections make you tired? The answer is yes. Because your body is trying to fight off the sinus infection it is expending more energy than normal which can make you feel fatigued, even to the point of wanting to sleep all day.

Yet in this go-go-go, do-more culture we live in today, it is more common to simply assume feeling a lack of energy is our fault and turning to caffeine or energy bars to keep going.

If you are suffering from sinusitis that is causing ongoing enervation or exhaustion, this is a dangerous position to take. Your body needs your help to overcome your sinusitis, and your exhaustion and fatigue are its way of warning you all is not well. In this post, learn about the connections between sinusitis and lack of energy and how to treat the fatigue that comes from sinus infections.

The Link Between Sinusitis and Fatigue

If your lack of energy is caused by a sinus infection, the NY Sinus Center warns that simply trying to sleep more, evening sleeping all day, is unlikely to fix the fatigue you are feeling.

This is true whether you are showing other signs of sinusitis, such as tenderness, pain, coughing, nasal discharge, or congestion, or not.

The fatigue from your sinus infection is caused by your body’s continual efforts to fight off the germs causing the sinusitis. Most sinusitis is caused by viral germs, but some cases are caused by bacteria or fungi.

In all cases, your body’s immune system is working overtime to repel the invaders and restore you to full health, which is why you always feel tired.

boise ent how to treat fatigue from sinus infectionHow To Treat Fatigue From A Sinus Infection

ACP Internist highlights how there are three generally accepted routes you can take to treat sinusitis and in turn the fatigue that accompanies it.

  • The first route is to assume it is viral and wait 14 days to see if the sinusitis resolves on its own.
  • The second route is to assume it is bacterial or fungal and take a course of antibiotics to resolve it.
  • The third route if the antibiotics don’t work on your sinus infection is to explore having surgery to correct anatomical issues (nasal polyps, narrow sinus passages, et al) that may be keeping you sick.

In the meantime no matter which route you choose in trying to deal with your sinus infection there are some steps you can take to help alleviate your sinus infection fatigue.

  1. Use A Humidifier – moisture is good for the sinuses and helps to bring relief when it comes to sinus infections and fatigue. If you don’t have a humidifier you can also try breathing over hot steam.
  2. Keep Your Head Elevated When You Sleep – use pillows to prop your head up at as high an angle as you can manage while still comfortably being able to fall asleep. The elevated angle will help your sinuses to drain more easily.
  3. Keep Hydrated – this will help to flush your sinuses. Drinking herbal caffeine-free teas such as chamomile, eucalyptus or lavender are especially helpful in soothing your sinuses, and putting your body in a more relaxed state so that you can find the rest you need.
  4. Use Warm Compresses – a warm compress can help to ease the sinus pressure you feel and help to loosen up your sinuses once again.
  5. Avoid Turning to Your Phone or Tablet When You’re Tired – struggling to sleep when you are dealing with blocked sinuses is quite common and can often keep you awake late into the night. Distracting yourself with your phone or tablet are tempting but when your body is already in a state of fatigue from trying to fight infection using these devices can actually exacerabate the issue because the light from them can disrupt sleeping patterns.

If you are suffering from sinusitis it is recommended you book an appointment with an ENT specialist. Here at Boise ENT Sinus & Snoring Specialists, we would be happy to see you at our clinic for an assessment.

About The Author: Dr. Don J. Beasley, MD is a board-certified otolaryngologist who has been practicing ear, nose, and throat medicine for over 20 years. The best sinusitis treatment is surgery, and with Dr. Don J. Beasley, MD, and the staff at Boise ENT Sinus & Snoring Specialists, you are in good hands. If you’re interested in getting your sinusitis treated today, feel free to schedule an appointment online or call our office today at (208) 229-2368